I have to keep telling myself that a mere six weeks ago this mustang, fresh from the wild, had never willingly been touched by any human. And I keep hearing about domestic mares who go all crazy when they’ve had a foal and won’t let any human near the new baby. I pinch myself several times a day. Actually several times an hour. Because, as those of you who have followed the blog/newsletter know, on the evening of my birthday this very special lady, who had already trusted me to handle her new baby virtually from birth, threw a switch inside herself and gave me the best birthday I think I’ve ever had. Completely without warning she suddenly said I trust you completely. To touch me, rub me, scratch me anywhere. At any time. I will not flinch, I will not pull away. And I will thank you for being here.
Not just me. She totally accepts Kathleen as well. Scratching, rubbing, whatever. As does baby Stormy. Kathleen is giddy. She has probably never personally experienced such a shift in trust. If you want photos you’ll have to talk to her. She won’t let me get my hands on the camera :).
Both of these mustangs are simply amazing. Tonight I picked up both of Saffy’s front feet. A first! (see below a couple of frames from the video Kathleen was shooting at the time). Noelle has been with us for three years and I’ve only touched her front feet, never picked them up off the ground. If ever there was a clear example of how every horse is an individual with a personality and demeanor different from any other this has to be it.
The question of the day has been: Is it me or her? No question in my mind it’s HER. She’s a very special lady.
“Yes she is,” Kathleen says, ” but you are three years down the road from Noelle’s beginning. Even that first night when you were offering Saffy feed from your hand, your heart was expecting her to take it. With Noelle you “knew” she wouldn’t. With Saffron you were feeling and projecting warmth and trust. With Noelle you were only thinking it. And you know that makes all the difference.”
“A small percentage. I’ll give you that much. But this mustang is extraordinary.”
“I cannot deny that,” Kathleen said.
Who knows how much of what? But I do know that she is on my mind constantly. Barely six weeks away from being an unhandled wild horse… and look at these photos. She blows me away every day.
Meanwhile baby Firestorm is doing fantastic as well. We have one or two sessions a day in her playpen and out in the paddock. She sits on the beanbag. Stands on her pedestal. Gives all four feet on request. I scratch in and outside her ears and rub her all over. She leads on a loose line. Backs up a few steps on cue. Moves her hindquarters both ways with a touch, and her forequarters as well. And, unlike Saffy, with Stormy that’s all fully explainable. With the renowned imprinting methods of Dr. Robert M. Miller, all taken to the next level by Allen Pogue, each and every one of you can accomplish everything I’ve accomplished with this little wild horse, conceived in the wild, proof positive that every horse on the planet is genetically identical.
What a blessing these two have been to both of us!
Night night. It’s Been a hard day.
Time for a nap at Kathleen’s feet.
New Video Coming Soon
Follow our latest journey with these two amazing new arrivals from the wild.
In chronological order:
What an Extraordinary Weekend!
Firestorm’s Amazing First Day in the Playpen
No-Agenda Time – So Much Value!
An Amazing Birthday Gift from a Wild Mustang!
Follow Our Entire Journey
From no horses and no clue to stumbling through mistakes, fear, fascination and frustration on a collision course with the ultimate discovery that something was very wrong in the world of horses.
Read the National Best Seller
The Soul of a Horse
Life Lessons from the Herd
…and the highly acclaimed…
Joe so special. Looks like you found Saffron’s itchy spots. Goodonya! They truly trust you. Great relationship, a true friendship. Wink.
I think that it was the both of you, You exuded love from the start, Saffy saw u being kind and loving with her foal, she is very intellegent, she trusted you for a good reason, you are not any threat to her. If you show an animal compassion, kindness and respect you will be rewarded for it with their love. I have recued Rotties for 20+ years and have had so many experiences with what people do to animals and how hard it is to “Undo” the damage done……but it is all done with the main ingredient being Love…animals feel it, Saffy felt yours…