Random House has just republished the Hardcover edition of The Soul of a Horse. Embossed, deckle edges, and all! Yay! I’ll never forget the feeling when I received my first one in the mail. Buy one and give your paperback away. I promise to inscribe your hardcover the next time you’re in middle Tennessee :).
Have you ever wondered what kind of person could begin writing a book like The Soul of a Horse less than a year-and-a-half after acquiring his very first one? I have. There were times when I thought I was crazy. How could all of the discoveries we were making be true? Surely someone would have been talking about them before now. “Keep writing,” Kathleen said. And I, the dutiful husband, did. And I’m so glad I did.
“Joe Camp is a master storyteller.” – The New York Times
“One cannot help but be touched by Camp’s love and sympathy for animals and by his eloquence on the subject.” – Michael Korda, The Washington Post
“Camp’s tightly-written, simply-designed and powerfully drawn chapters often read like short stories that flow from the heart.” – Jack L. Kennedy – The Joplin Independent
“Joe Camp is a natural when it comes to understanding how animals tick and a genius at telling us their story. His books are must-reads for those who love animals of any species.” – Monty Roberts – Author of New York Timers Best-seller The Man Who Listens to Horses
“You will never look at a horse race, or a herd of mustangs, or even the canine lounging on your couch, the same way.” – The Las Vegas Review Journal
“Joe Camp is a gifted storyteller and the results are magical.” – Rick Lamb – The Horse Show
“A fantastic book.” – WGN Chicago
“A masterpiece.” – The Ultimate Horse