Archive for July 2010

Are You Living Your Passion?

Every time I look at one of these photos of Kathleen’s and think about how much I lusted after the very life we’re living I have no choice but to reflect upon how very blessed we are. Have always been. I’ll never forget asking my dad when I was a junior in high school, “How am I supposed to go about choosing a career? Where do I start?” His response was profound, and not of the times, and for some reason that surprised me. Read More→

Kathleen Talks About Joe’s New Book

Hi everybody. This is Kathleen. I sent Joe to the barn so I could write this piece of truth. His next book has just come out and no it’s not the follow up to The Soul of a Horse. Joe had this book and two others almost finished when he pushed them aside to write “Soul”. This one’s not even about horses… unless you’ve ever wondered what kind of person could begin writing a book like The Soul of a Horse less than a year-and-a-half after acquiring his very first one. This new book will answer that question (in spades!). So, in truth, it is about horses because this journey is the one Read More→