Why Would You Ever Let Your Horse Go Barefoot?
Workshop on why barefoot and how, following the wild horse model
2 hours 34 minutes
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Why Would You Ever Let Your Horse Eat That?
Workshop on diet and nutrition – Feeding your horse like a horse
2 hours 45 minutes
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You will receive:
An MP3 audio recording of the entire two-hour(+) workshop
including Q&A
A handout with notes, links, subjects, and names
discussed in the workshop
Unpublished email addresses to ask questions of
Joe, Kathleen, and their guests
$25 each
Learn All the Facts You’ll Ever Need
to Convince the Folks Who Think You’re Crazy
Learn from Joe, Kathleen, Eddie Drabek (one of the leading natural
hoof care professionals in the country), Mark Taylor (Joe &
Kathleen’s natural hoof care specialist), and special
guest Scott Berry (one of the three who took the entire
Houston Mounted Police Patrol barefoot). They tell it all
and arm you with undeniable truths and real life experiences,
not opinion or personal preference.
Only $25
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Learn All the Facts You’ll Ever Need
to Feed Your Horse Properly
Learn from Joe, Kathleen, Eddie Drabek (one of the leading natural
hoof care professionals in the country), Mark Taylor (Joe &
Kathleen’s natural hoof care specialist), Scott Berry (one of the
three who took the entire Houston Mounted Police Patrol
barefoot) and special guest equine nutritionist Dr.
Juliet Getty, PhD author of the excellent new book
Feed Your Horse Like a Horse.
They tell it all and arm you with undeniable truths and real life
experiences, not opinion or personal preference.
Only $25
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Learn the Facts
Why no horse on the planet needs a metal shoe.
Why no horse on the planet should ever wear a metal shoe.
The ten questions to ask a natural barefoot specialist
before you hire her or him.
Why science says that a horse has five hearts
and how a metal shoe shuts down four of them.
What that means to the overall health of your horse.
Why the Houston Mounted Police Patrol took
all 40 of their horses barefoot to work on concrete,
asphalt, and marble all day every day.
Why the term Corrective Shoeing is an oxymoron.
Why jumping, racing, cutting and other high performance
horses perform better and are healthier barefoot.
How your horse’s hoof is supposed to function and
why a metal shoe prevents it from doing so.
The role proper diet and lifestyle play in
a successful barefoot experience.
Why sugar, non-structured carbohydrates, and
hydrogenated fats simply must be
removed from your horse’s diet.
Why movement around the clock is so important
and how to make it happen.
The facts about why the wild horse lifestyle is not only relevant
but necessary for happy, healthy, stress-free domestic horses
and how to make it happen.
The steps you can take to ensure a successful barefoot experience and a happy, healthy horse.
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How a horse is genetically designed to eat. And why.
The undeniable truths .
How to Prevent Colic.
How to prevent Laminitis.
Learn how to stop ulcers.
How insulin resistance can not only be
prevented but reversed.
The role proper diet and lifestyle play in
a successful barefoot experience.
Why sugar, non-structured carbohydrates, and
hydrogenated fats simply must be
removed from your horse’s diet.
Why movement around the clock is so important
and how to make it happen.
The facts about why the wild horse lifestyle is not only relevant
but necessary for happy, healthy, stress-free domestic horses
and how to make it happen.
Learn it all – Sign up Today for:
Joe And Kathleen Camp’s Tele-Workshop
Why Would You Ever Let Your Horse Eat That?
Ask Your Vet to Sign Up!
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If you truly love your horses, these workshops will change
your life and your horses will thank you for it.
Eddie Drabek, Scott Berry. and Mark Taylor are all certified by the AANHCP and Liberated Horsemanship, and Eddie is also certified by the AHA. All three of these organizations have nationwide lists of certified professionals.
Read Just a Few of the Testimonials from
Joe & Kathleen’s TeleWorkshops:
“Thanks for putting these teleseminars together. The first one was extremely informative,
even for a die-hard barefooter like me! Keep up the wonderful work. The horses
need it!!! Regards, Pam & Dixie”
“It was a super workshop!! A lot of information provided
which stimulated my thinking process.
Thanks again – LeRoy”
“Just wanted to let you know….I was so motivated by the tele-workshop
that I joined the Pete Ramey Yahoo group, ordered his book,
and signed up for Dr. Kellon’s NRC Course.
Thanks again. Susan”
“I pulled my Sani’s shoes last week; what joy! You have done more
good for horses in the world than you know. – Sharon”
“The workshop was great, I look forward to the next one.
Wouldn’t change a thing! Thank you for all you do.
With Gratitude, Debbie”
“I thank you on behalf of my horse StarWalker. I can not believe I was doing damage
to my best friend without even knowing it. I will never again put shoes on my horse
or have another blanket put on him. He is jumping fantastically now. – Madeline”
“You and Kathleen have no idea how many lives you are touching!
– Pamela Caldwell”
“Thanks so much for all the wonderful information….I look
forward to the next workshop! Amy”
“I would definitely sign up for another one.
Thank you, Jo Beth”
“Love to have another one!! – Jane”
“We enjoyed it and felt as if we are part if a special mission. Like
participating in a gigantic shift in consciousness. Very exciting.
Keep up the good work. – Margie”
“Thanks for being so wonderfully committed to the total health of horses.
I got your info from a friend, Brian in MT who manages a large
horse ranch. I am so grateful to him and then you.
Gracias and Merci Beaucoup. – Suzanne”
About Joe Camp
Joe Camp, film writer, producer, director, author, passionate speaker, and the man behind the canine superstar Benji believes that anything is possible if you work hard enough and have faith in yourself. He was told by industry “experts” not to bother with the original Benji film; that it wouldn’t work. He proved the experts wrong and now, after five Benji movies, he’s at it again with his new best selling book The Soul of a Horse published by the Crown/Harmony imprint of Random House. A book that is already in its fourth printing and setting traditional thinking about horses on its ear.
About Kathleen Camp
Kathleen Camp, Joe’s wife, is an attorney, mother of three, and Joe’s harshest editor. Her passions are her children, horses, and photography. She claims to be the comic relief in Joe’s first book The Soul of a Horse: Life Lessons form the Herd. Kathleen has taken most of the photos on the website, the blog, and The Soul of a Horse Collection of greet-ing cards.
About Dr. Juliet Getty
Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D. has been called a “pioneer in free choice forage feeding,” and her articles and
interviews often appear in national and international publications. Dr. Getty offers private consultations and designs customized feeding plans to promote horses’ health, reverse illness, and optimize performance. A
former university professor and recipient of several teaching awards, she is a popular speaker, has written for publications throughout the world, and is author of the terrific new book Feed Your Horse Like a Horse.
About Eddie Drabek
Eddie Drabek began his journey into Natural Trimming when two of his horses de-veloped lameness issues and his vet and farrier said they were hopeless. The natu-ral Hoof Care way of thinking was “new” at that time, but it made so much logical sense he knew it was something he had to try. After seeing both horses become sound again, he knew this was something he wanted to do in order to help other horses. Eddie eagerly began learning as much as he could in not only hoof care but equine nutrition, natural horsekeeping and training. He has now become one of the leading Natural Hoof Care Professionals in the United States. He trims approxi-mately 400 horses of all breeds and disciplines and has helped countless horses find the soundness they deserve. Eddie is certified with the AANHCP, as well as the American Hoof Association and Liberated Horsemanship. He is an instructor for the AANHCP and Liberated Horsemanship.
About Mark Taylor
Mark is a natural horse care practitioner certified by the Association for the Ad-vancement of Natural Horse Care Practices, the organization originally formed by barefoot pioneer Jaime Jackson. Mark believes passionately in the wild horse model because horses in the wild in the western U.S. simply do not have lameness issues and 90% of domestic horses do, because of human intervention. Mark believes that every horse on the planet can grow a sound healthy foot. The genetics are there. And he has proven it with dozens of lame and foundered horses. His work is so impres-sive he has been asked to be on the navicular team at the Auburn University Vet School’s studies of the healing capacity the wild horse barefoot model.
About Scott Berry
Scott Berry and two other members of the Houston Mounted Police Patrol spent an enormous amount of time researching the value of barefoot hooves. Yes, even for horses who spend 8-10 hours every day on the asphalt, concrete, and granite surfaces of downtown Houston. Ultimateluy they convinced the powers that be to allow a test and that was the beginning. Now all 40+ horses of The Houston Mounted Patrol are barefoot and most of them work bitless. Scott and one other became certiied natural hoof specialists by two highly renowned barefoot organizations and they trim the Patrol horses regualrly. Scott also trims for a small select group of clients in the evenings and on weekends. Since going barefoot the Mounted Patrol’s annual expense budget has been cut in half and the department has allowed them to use those savings to expand and improve the living conditions of their horses.
Link to Dr Getty’s Website – Click Here
Link to Eddie Drabek’s Website – Click Here
Link to The Soul of a Horse Website – Click Here
Link to The Soul of a Horse BLOG – Click Here
A 6-pound stone taken from the tummy of a horse. It was given to
us by Dr. Matt and we keep it on a prominent pedestal
to remind us how important proper diet is.